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Beginning Crochet Class 06/22


Come join Gloria and learn the art of Crochet! If you have never picked up a hook or it’s been a long time since you tried, this is the perfect class for you! Gloria will be teaching the basics of crochet such as chaining and common stitches.

Teacher: Gloria

Date: 06/22 10:30-12:30pm

Cost: $40

Supplies: Yarn will be provided for this class. Please bring an H or I hook with you, or you can purchase one at the time of class.

***Please note there are no refunds on classes unless the shoppe needs to cancel for any reason.

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Shoppe Hours

Monday - 10AM-4PM

Tuesday 10AM-5PM

Wednesday  10AM-5PM

Thursday 11AM -8PM *Fiber Night 5-8PM Shoppe is open for shopping from 11-8

Friday 10AM-6PM

Saturday 10AM-6PM

Sunday - 12PM to 4PM ** Shoppe is open for shopping from 12-4

* Fiber Night - You can sit with us! Bring any fiber project you are working on or just come and visit! Thursday 5PM - 8PM

** Fiber Day- Every Sunday from 1PM-4PM Same as Fiber night, just during the day!

Contact Us

260 North Main Street
Grapevine, TX 76051

(817) 527-6177

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